Saturday, September 5, 2009

Maiden Voyage

Dolphin Dance from Herbie Hancock's Maiden Voyage LP sets the tone as well as anything for the start to a new blog.

Consider it a space for conversations 'away from the crowd.'


  1. Hmmm, watched from a safe distance.....sent a suggestion privately, was told there was a freeze and to resubmit on monday night.

    I was afraid that was going to happen, maybe the only time I've been prescient!

    Maybe this is the start of something better? LOL!

  2. Present and accounted for... Glad to see I don't need to send a note to my friend up north. I'll try to figure out how to change my name.

  3. Alright, the first suggestion on Planet 2nd!
    Check this out:

    Some things to think about, methods, etc.
    Also a good pick CVS. Watch, enjoy.
    I have learned a lot from these weekly videos.

  4. An outside blog would work as well as a separate 'Discourse A,' and we won't need to worry (as much) about stepping on toes/offending (a few surprisingly brittle) sensibilities.

  5. Frankly, I've always been more comfortable in Red's Recovery Room, real name by the way, than the Star Light Lounge. Off to dinner for the kids, but will mess around to see how this works tonight. I might post a few things for practice. First question though. Is there away to have this streamed instead of refreshing. 2nd- If there is a cost to this I would be happy to contribute.

  6. Mark- It's entirely free. You can start your own in 5 minutes. I have no idea if it's possible to stream comments. Not expecting that many posts, to be honest.

  7. I agree, but the dog trainer in me said simply delete or remove the offending posts, either by Bill or trusted admin and fire off a standard e-mail warning. Strike one, after three you're done. I guarantee it would be self policing after a couple of those. Self control is the only way and sometimes it takes a couple times for people to learn how. If they don't then the majority (if it's 10,000 which I doubt) should prevail. Heck, I would have edited my own after you spoke up if the technology would have allowed it. It's not even that big a negative, but deletion after taking time to author a post would be sufficient. There's no need for the added effort of a second blog or A & B, all that would happen is mayhem on the uncontrolled side.

    Besides, all that talk of 'professional' traders on one side was silly. If professionals were so good then why were we at BC to begin with?

  8. The amount of participants is up to you 2nd. I know of 4 people that have some interesting/informed takes on business, and after reading the BC blog e-mailed me with polite declines. I would like to pass this on to them if you are willing to keep it up.
    I also get a few e-mails, as I'm sure both of you do from frustrated bloggers. Again your call.

    I agree Craig, none of this makes any sense. But perhaps this is an opportunity to start something new/better.

    I tried to add a PDF on RAX that I thought was telling. Any idea how?

  9. Mark, I think 2nd has to set that up. There are a bunch of features and add-ons, but this is a baby step.....LOL! One thing you (or I) could do is start our own blog(s) and post it there and provide the link.
